Tuesday, December 10, 2013

21 Weeks 6 Days

Well, it's been confirmed that we are expecting a little GIRL! It's funny because Mgo and I really knew all along. We referred to the baby as "she" every time we talked about her, and then we would correct ourselves and say "he or she." So when the ultrasound tech gave us the news, we smiled at each other knowingly and so excited! Many of you are asking us if we have a name. The answer is yes, and we will share with everyone when our sweet girl is born. :)

I'm feeling good for the most part. The nausea is now minimal. Certain smells still set me off, but I try to steer clear of things like the trashcan! It's been quite cold here lately, the high temp during the day being in the mid 40's and dropping into the low 30's in the evening. I don't do well with the cold. My pain has been high, plus all the stretching and growing going on in my belly is causing my back and sides to hurt quite a bit. But even in the moments that I have excruciating pain, I feel a kick and I thank God.

We are more than halfway there and as the baby grows and kicks away, it's becoming more and more real that life is about to change in a big way.

This is my last week of teaching, and I will be on maternity leave next semester. There are moments when I get a little sad, knowing that I won't be working. I really do love teaching. But then I realize that in just a few months, I'm going to take on a new role. Suddenly, I'm going to be in charge of the new life that is growing inside of me. The rolls, kicks, pokes and bumps I feel are the movements of my daughter.

My daughter.

I'm going to be a mother to a daughter. Writing that out feels awkward and weird and scary. From what I hear, being a parent is both challenging and rewarding. And I'm scared. I know I'll make mistakes. I know the house will be in a constant mess. We will order A LOT of take out. I will call my mom in a panic once a day. I will miss teaching. I will be anxious. I will be so tired I will cry.

But then there's the other side of it.

Her room is already filling up with baby things. Her crib is arriving piece by piece. There are too many clothes to count. And every time I walk into the room and pick up a tiny pair of pants or touch a soft blanket, I'm filled with wonder. This tiny person is going to be here sooner than we know it, and she already brings us such joy. I get to take care of and nurture this little girl with Mgo. I can't wait to see what she looks like, what she'll sound like, and what her own passions will be. I can't wait to read to her, cuddle with her, cook with her, go swimming with her, take her to museums and plays, and teach her about Jesus' unconditional love.

Is it April yet?

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